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Jimmie Lawson教授来公司做报告
2018-05-28 11:08     (点击:)

2018年5月20日,william威廉亚洲官方邀请美国Louisiana State University,Jimmie Lawson教授来校作“The relation between order and topology”报告。报告在william威廉亚洲官方9-309学术报告厅举行,经理欧阳自根主持报告会。学院部分老师和研究生参加并认真聆听了此次报告。


Jimmie Lawson个人简介:

Jimmie Lawson is a Boyd Professor Emeritus in Louisiana State University, USA. He is one of the pioneers of Domain Theory and the main author of the monograph “Continuous Lattices and Domains”, which is regarded internationally as the canon of Domain Theory. He has done profound and influential work in Lie Semigroup, Matrix Geometric Mean, Compact Topological Semigroups and Domain Theory. One of the two most important topologies in Domain Theory -the Lawson topology -is named after him. He was invited speaker for more than 40 various national and international conferences. He serves as the Chair of Editors, Executive Editor and Council Member for Semigroup Forum, and Editor for Topology and Its Applications, Applied Categorical Theory and Journal of Lie Theory.


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